Crown Executive Orders

Executive Orders
Executive Orders
Date Created28/10/2023
Your NameRose
Your Former Employer Ozcare - Magdalene Villa Aged Care Facility
Type of EmployerPrivate
Employee issuing 'directives' to you and dismissing you on behalf of the employer. 100% liable and accountable under Maxim of Law : All are responsible for their actions.Puneet Melvin - did not dismiss me but prevented me from entering the Aged Care facility to continue working unless I took a covid test as per Ozcare's protocol and also directly informed me of the need to be vaccinated as per the letter she fowarded to me from Ozcare's HR Manager. This made it impossible for me to continue so I reluctantly and under duress gave notice to end my job in the same Aged care facility I worked for nearly 23 years. After my 1 month notice I was off work for 4 days before starting a 3 month contract ending the same way, required to take an experimental poison to keep my contract and PCR testing before the start of every shift for 1 month prior to joining the experiment. This health directive was from the Qld Government whoe working in the community for a disability service. I was then out of work for 6 months before I was able to secure employment in a tota different sector of work for less money.
Daily damages for 90 days.4 days = $40,000.00