Sovereign Sentient Identification Card
….For those with breath….

Not for artificial intelligence/A.I.: including legal fictions such as ’persons’, ‘public’, robots.
So you feel ready to Order your Sovereign Sentient ID card.
Fantastic ! ✨🌟🤩
Your Sovereign Sentient Identification Card has a link on it: We suggest you go to that link now, or in the next day or two and read the contents of the document: The Creditors Ledger.
This will give you a comprehensive appreciation of where your Sovereign: Inherent Right to Resources, is derived from.
The Creditors Ledger has a further link within it; called Rules of Engagement. Read this also. It brings about a cellular shift of Liberation. As these are the writings for the Creditor.
This is the first time we have a comprehensive body of work as the Terms and Conditions for the use of the Birth Certificate, by the Corporation that is upon these Lands, by presumption of rulership. And on many Lands of Mother Earth.
Because Humanity has been under Guardianship; the Terms and Conditions have been missing. Hence we live in a violent realm. Perpetrated upon Humanity by the ‘State’: a self assigned global ‘government’. As if we are the Human Herd, available to to be harvested at every opportunity: our children are stolen, our Land is stolen. Our lives are incarcerated in debt, poverty, jails, mental health institutes and domestic violence borne of excessive stress to merely survive in the ‘scarcity paradigm’, despite our abundant planet.
All of this stops now.
At the turning of the Ages.
Each of us, in our own time and awakening; emerge from the Guardianship as the Executor and Beneficiary.
Thus moving the Board of the Guardians into the Trustee position; to administer resources as the Executor instructs.
Crown: We The People of Superior Jurisdiction; refresh how the Public Servant sector are mere Office holders of ‘Persons’.
A ‘Person’, like ‘Public’; are terms, and tools and keys, in Commerce. They are not living Beings with Breath. An ‘Office’ has no Authority over the Living Being, so long as no harm is being done.
Have clarity on use of your tools and keys; or the Government will control them for you.
Enjoy your card and the Shift of Consciousness it brings with it.
In Peace, Love and Light for 1000 Golden Years so bright. ☀️

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