Date Created | 31/12/2021 |
Your Former Employer | Steve Harvey and Edward Agius at Fullerton Allied Health Melbourne St North Adelaide SA |
Type of Employer | Private |
Employee issuing 'directives' to you and dismissing you on behalf of the employer. 100% liable and accountable under Maxim of Law : All are responsible for their actions. | Sandra Campbell and Emma Miller |
Daily damages for 90 days. | $1,000,000.00 |
Additional damages for any reason: space for amount, and space for reason. | The company sacked me for not wearing a mask when I had a medical exemption. I do not consent to wearing a mask. The company sacked me and DID NOT pay my long service leave. I would like my payment of long service leave. Misconduct is why I didn't get payed this. I beleive I have an exemption and did not need to wear a mask. I was sacked on 21/07/2021. |