Public Record Form A

Reference NumberCC2022
Your Email (required)Email hidden; Javascript is required.
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?3rd Party debt collector interloper with absolutely no first hand knowledge
Corporation NameCredit Solutions
CEO Of The CorporationGail Crowder
Further details of offence

Any[wo]man acting for a service corporation[s]’Notice: Liability’ is given;
I, require obligation [contract] produce to jurisdiction upon entry or trespass occurs;
Any [wo]man attempting to administrate property [business, or I] produce evidence that…
1. Whois the [wo]man from said service corporation claim I …property;
2. A [wo]man from said corporation can administrate property without right;
3. Obligation [contract]exists with sercice corporation to jurisdiction [control] over it;

Trespass fine is set at $100,000 per [wo]man involved.
FINES INCREASE BY $200,000 for each and every other trespass

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 500.00
Corporation EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

CEO Jason Waters Of Synergy has been given at least 9 months to provide a valid company contract and has admitted this fact by his silence tacit agreement and

Gail has been negligent to accept Jasons offer to contract to debt collect on a non existent contract and you Gail failed to establish this before you chose to act and cause this criminal trespass via electronic mail fraud with no authority and
Synergy has branched the Privacy Act by sharing private information which is unauthorised and has already admitted to his fraud making you both complicit and aiding and abetting in crimes against the people