Crown Executive Orders

Executive Orders
Executive Orders
Date Created08/12/2021
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Address466 Finlay rd Wyuna East. Victoria
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All Regis & dominion & jurisdiction & government & treaty & sole beneficiary of life & Regis & occupation of crown & sovereignty & names & titles & Lands & states & territories & claim in mind body soul spirit & flesh & blood & vessel or ship or tent or covering or transport of occupation & presence of my will physical & spiritual body flesh organs mind bone blood spirit water air breath hearing sight & vision speech & all intelligence & creative thought word deed bond & claim & right or expression spoken created written or by divine revelation or belief or religion or culture or by conscience or creed or act or lore bond or obligation or contract or inheritance or bloodline or assent or seal or crown or deed or declaration.. All estates including Real estate & bloodlines bequeathed by testimony or created & inherited bother by ward or gifted granted purchased or obtained by decree or mandate or sea or highway or road or port or issue or bond or contract or holder or lost at sea including but not limited to movement trade
transport properties fruits and labours contracted brought inherited or created including but not limited too ones Godly given estates by the Divine right word & spirit law or lore or family & inheritance in all realms spiritual and physical above or below, in heaven and earth, in public or private in time & space, in earth air water land sky land mass & territories states country realm or nation or bank or bench or court or authority or kingdom or monarchy or religious order, including the earthly realms heavenly realms and spiritual realms, including by oath & vow spoken or ordered or decreed by rule or law or act or motion or election or vote or board or council or company or contract or chamber or parliament or holy see or law or jury or term or contract or star chamber or inquisition or ruling or policy authorities or by thought or corrosion or deception or conduct or oath or account or credit debt or inheritance obligation or holdings including my assets of all spiritual and temporal properties & estates & real estates & inheritance & bloodlines including all ties & bonds in spouse's all children kin and heirs male & female alive or dead by birth or lost at sea, and by live birth or registry or bond free & slave proceeding from it including all fruits labours resource human resource health & being including wealth & properties live stock & domestic animals male & female. All labours energy fruits & rewards be it of life health life wealth wellness physical & spiritual wellbeing lands & territories mineral physical or spiritual created or materials & resources. All Real estate or other estates created.. All Motor Car & vehicles caravan trailers.. passport licences titles styles contract or in kind.. including household goods cookware clothes shoes & furnishings & purchases.. all white good brown goods electrical goods communication devices hardware batteries cables accessories computers hardware software memory & record keeping devices including written materials on paperback book form or physical & electronic manuals.. all art created or intellectual property & belongings, goods services & chattels.. all record keeping and accounting documents on paper and electronic including bank accounts all moneys being gold silver jewellery precious metals cash and electronic & crypto currency's & items of trade and exchange.. all items of value & worth including all produce food liquid or preserved or any other form. all written materials books records receipts and religious & ceremonial materials vessels bodies or posession. All prior consent given by act contract duties taxes authorities agency Roman Law Maxim of Law Slavery & Bondage Holy See & Government & Local Law Tribal &Treaty law decree or accent signature claim or condition in every arena including clerk or court Holy See Unidroit Roman Law Tribal Law Commerce & Trade UCC and bank or bench Law or Commercial act or Admiralty law or Common Law or civil law or Baptism or Certificate or dedication or ceremony or marriage or union or act of any kind including Verbal agreement or contract is now null & void with no further claim or claims entered into or against my estate. All false claims are hereby cancelled null & void with immediate effect now deemed reclaimed & redeemed in full plus compensation for interest injury losses life & health & restitution & gratuity & compensation including all authority and life & health & sovereignty and full & Superior legal & lawful rights reserved redeemed & restored under Rule of Law at All Times. In the name of God the Father Jesus Christ the son & the Holy Spirit. Amen.