Crown Executive Orders

Executive Orders
Executive Orders
Date Created09/11/2021
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Address41 Tralee Drive, Banora Point, NSW
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Assets list:

Car(s) or motor vehicles, houses and land (full ownership or Mortgaged), investment properties (owned or Mortgaged incl fixtures, fittings and services provided) Wifi, internet and NBN connections & services, water and electricity connections and services, fixtures & fittings, furniture, clothing and belongings, jewellery, plant, machinery and equipment, plants, food, passport, driver licence, biometrics, identity, birth certificate, mind, body and soul, electronic and mobile devices, dependants (children), money (incl. cryprocurrency), financial services and bank accounts (incl cryptocurrency wallets), gold, silver, precious stones and or metals, white goods, gardening equipment, anything in my possession owned and paid for by me.