Reference Number | Test 123 |
Mapping | Mapping |
From this point forward... | 1) From this point forward, all interactions with the institution detaining your children is to be mapped. 2) Every phone call is to recorded. 3) Every interaction with every staff member has the first interaction as taking name and ID number of the staff member. 4) NO CORPORATE IMMUNITY IS RECOGNISED OR EMPLOYEES ARE 100% LIABLE AND ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS ON BEHALF OF THE INSTITUTIONS THEY WORK FOR. |
1a. Date | 06/04/2021 |
1b. Time | 11:15 AM |
HH | 11 |
MM | 15 |
AM/PM | AM |
1c. Institution's email address? | Email hidden; Javascript is required. |
1d. How many employees were involved? | 2 |
1) Employee name | bob f |
1) Employee ID | 7540u3 |
2) Employee name | Louis H |
2) Employee ID | 5804350 |
Details of interaction | returned to see my child again. I was stopped from access, again |
1g. This made me feel: angry, frustrated, terrified, disappointed, disempowered etc etc | hysterical |
1h. In my mind I was confused, depressed, hopeless, trapped, had suicidal thoughts etc etc. | confused |