Crown Executive Orders

Executive Orders
Executive Orders
2) What is the Order you are proposing?

To bring an end to surety fraud, and debt slavery, that actually is violating, the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), and violating Gods law Genesis 1: 26-29 God did not grant man or woman, dominion over man or woman, as we are equal, we are not slaves, and Governments are to serve the people, as are all corporate bodies and agencies.

Please write the order you proposed to deem Null and Void here, and why:

That any and all, claimed or assumed contracts, were the persona, ens legis, juristic person, [legal fiction] is used as a joiner, to claim the living man or woman as surety without full disclosure and without the consent freely and knowingly given, but gained through lies, deceit and trickery, using the colour of law, coercion and intimidation, and/or were no contract can be produced showing both parties wet autograph and seal, being in agreement; then such claim or contract, is null and void, ‘ab initio’, for where any and all fraud is revealed, it renders any and all contracts ‘null and void’, ‘nunc pro tunc’, ‘ad infinitum’ ‘clausula rebus sic stantibus’ (“things thus standing”) (CRSS)’.