What is the failure in law/lore of this individual and organization? | Update and corrections to outstanding Debts: for Fraud, Harm, theft, and Slavery: Being for Claim: Perfecting of a Security Interest, by way of a lien to the value of:
$412,000.00 – that has been increasing by $4,000.00 a day from the 12th of January 2023, against each of the perpetrators named below, while dwelling remains disconnected under a fraudulent claim, and now standing at an extra $368,000, as of the 12th of April 2023, bring the debt owned now to $780,000.00 per perpetrator, and still continuing to rise by $4,000.00 per day per perpetrator, – Until Remedy under Equity, for harm and fraud and unlawful disconnection is restored.
Also running in conjunction with this lien is a claim for $2,000.00 per day, a judgment passed, by the Terra Australis Grand Jury 15 on the 8.11.2022 ; Document ; Ref: CCWTPOSJ - 55: 001- 21112022:11. the People’s Alliance for Rule of Lore/Law, and issuing an executive order that is attached; EER Claim for Fraud-14042023.pdf , that was voted on by the 19th Terra Australis Grand Jury, Order 11#, and unanimously accepted; file attached, which as of the 12th of October 2022, to the 12th of April 2023 now stands at $364,000.00, that I the man, here now claim, against Roderick Anthony Duke, CEO of Energy Queensland Limited; as harm, endangering life and property, under a fraudulent claim, was committed on his watch; making him totally liable, for failure in his duty of care and the committing of malfeasance in public office, by ignoring, proven debt slavery, and a tort of the living name using coercion, as proven by; the Liens being now claimed and perfected and standing as the truth in Law:
Note Now located on “Google-Drive” and Open for unrestricted viewing, for Public- viewing, being overt and public , and important information that the people must be made aware of, – this will remain up and on drive for safe keepings, as well as on court records, and in other locations, until the matter is settled to the satisfaction, of I the living man; link>
Evidence being expanded upon - Duplicated from the Australian public Notice site where they have been for 4-Weeks, or more.
The names following are the names of those whose credit worthiness is now in question; having a lien with the above debt that is growing daily - being lawfully in place and now being called in,.
Roderick Anthony Duke, CEO (Chief Executive Officer);
“Lien: Roderick Anthony Duke/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”;
Matt Van der Werff, (Manager Service Quality);
“Lien: Matt Van der Werff/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603;”
Jane Sara Nant (Company, (Director and Secretary);
“Lien: Jane Sara Nant/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”;
Peter Kenneth Scott, (Executive General Manager, Finance);
“Lien: Peter Kenneth Scott/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”;
Ryan Gill (208304) Engaged by EER, to disconnect power;
“Lien: Ryan Gill (208304)/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”;
Lance Fenton (501113), Engaged by EER, to disconnect power;
“Lien: Lance Fenton/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”;
“Lien: Mick de Brenni/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”;
Leon Allen Under treasurer (QUEENSLAND TREASURY);
“Lein: Leon Allen/RPP44 63700 51001 21307 89603”; By :Denis-Peter: sui juris. |