Crown Executive Orders

Executive Orders
Executive Orders

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15

Date CreatedName of CorporationIssue to be resolvedMinutes/Hours RequiredWas your matter resolved?Upload Your Pdf
16/11/2024Nandos MidlandNot taking cash for payment30 minutesNo
11/10/2024Haveyshire Council10 Oct 2024 @ 3.45pm - Not contacting owners to discuss matter concerned, Trespass on Private Property - dog on premises & 2 minors on site. Left message on work number 10 & 11 Oct - no one returned our call.2 DaysNo
04/04/2024Federal ExpressMonths. Extreme damage. 1 month to pick up stock. 66% increase in rate. refuse to discuss, then closed my account. Damages.No
23/03/2024Services Australiapayments restart again from 8 February 2024 (last) & crisis payments 4x last year and 4x this year, & backpay, interest & compensation for not still 2010/2011-20146hrs4minsNo
21/03/2024Services Australiamany times have called to speak on an issue, get kicked off the line and told by robot to access online services, call back and it tells you "we know you have been calling" and disconnects. I have submitted formal complaints about "time wasting phones", "unlawful garnishing", "cosistentcy of knowledge between representatives" in the past, they are moved from department to department until they run out of steam and then someone may tell you its outside our framework/juridiction/etc to deal with such thingsweeksNo
20/03/2024the Electricity Networks Corporation (trading as Western Power)Threats of enforcement, followed by trespass of at least 5 individuals onto private property, attempted disconnection of electricity under safety concerns that after multiple requests would not be disclosed after resonable steps were made to negotiate a mutal outcome with western power5+ daysNo
06/02/2024Telstra Corporation LimitedFollow up of computer generated letter to all customers claiming that my payment system for my mobile phone had expired and that I was required to set a new payment system. After I checked my account and wasted copious amounts of time on the Telstra Help App, it was confirmed that my current payment system was already being used by Telstra to debit my monthly phone charges. The letter was an annoying waste of my time.45 minutesYes
06/02/2024Telstra Corporation LimitedLetter claiming that existing monthly payment method for payment of mobile phone plan had expired and a new auto direct debit payment was to be set up by me. I already had my payments being made by auto direct debit, so the letter was not appicable to me and wasted my time45 minutesYes
28/11/2023Homes Victoria was Housinghot water & emergency repairs pet infestation (deter ethically & green building clean), feces inside outside building, hire new non-lazy qualified experienced professional green/safe cleaner & new landscape with grass english trees stronger provide more shade greener, safer no fire hazard, flatter no dangerous sloping on nature strip too, stop tenants from feeding pests to come back to destroy buildingsat least 4 hours and additional 8 hours of researchNo
12/07/2023city of south perth
02/05/2023SynergyThreat of disconnection60No
03/04/2023Nedlands councilAlleged parking fine12No
14/10/2022an AI pigsty that has shut my account down.72 hrsNo
22/08/2022unblock /freeze m account1 week of my account being frozen plus hours of phone calls ands emailsYes
17/08/2022Frozen account6hrsNo
Date CreatedName of CorporationIssue to be resolvedMinutes/Hours RequiredWas your matter resolved?Upload Your Pdf