Public Record Form A

Reference NumberAMVRSHIA
Time03:15 AM
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Public Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Building industry
Corporation NameHousing Industry of Australia
CEO Of The CorporationAlwyn Even
Employee IDMcwhirter
Employee NameMersina
Further details of offence

On Monday 11th of October I was told by my employer that according to the HIA they were taking a stand to follow the unlawful health order directives . I was not allowed to work in the office where I have been employed for almost 10 yrs. I hove not committed any crime nor am I sick or pose a threat to anyone, yet I am treated as a criminal. The unlawful health directions have previously had me in lockdown for months , the recent health directions have taken me over my limit.
It is my God given right as a free human being to work and support my family, by enforcing the unlawful mandate I hold the President of the HIA responsible as per the international law passed at the Nuremberg trials.
I have not had informed consent of the forced vaccinations. I am not entirely anti vacation as I have had all vaccines to date, I believe they are experimental and therefore cannot agree to the coercion, ‘no jab no job’ . This is a crime against me and a crime against humanity.

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 350.00
Corporation EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

Do not follow the unlawful health directions that are not legislators. Seek the truth about the Corporations that is the Government of Australian. Look into the money making agenda of the current forced vaccinations .
Look into the actual hidden adverse reactions and true stats of covid deaths. HIA and therefore the president of , is responsible for any fact or directions stopping my employment , they are therefore responsible. Finally let me get back to work.