A Corporation, also known as an Artificial Intelligence (AI), or any other form of enterprise; may not exist in the landscape whilst impinging upon the rights of freedom of choice that is an inherent aspect of humanity.
Expecting employees to conduct acts that impinge upon such rights, does render both the employee and the Corporation, liable and accountable for such behaviour and may be equivalent to Slavery, Criminal Code 270, 25 years jail.
The use of the word ‘mandatory’ does not exist in law, as it assumes one group of people may enforce their will upon another group of people, eg: mask wearing for a virus, despite excessive documentation that mask wearing is a toxic exercise. Refer to EO 005 for exception.
The promotion of a type of health, such as private manufacture of vaccine and pharma, by profit generating Corporations: whilst silencing the choice of humanity to engage in their own education to use timeless natural products, is a form of slavery. Criminal Code 270, 25 years jail.
The segregation of humanity into those who have been vaccinated and those who have not, is a form of slavery. Criminal Code 270, 25 years jail.
The denial of access to resources to certain sectors of community based upon a vaccination passport is a form of slavery. Criminal Code 270, 25 years jail.
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