
Reference Number2023-0308-2808
Time04:38 AM
Your Copyrighted NameJoeline L Waywood
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Waste Desposal
Corporation NameSpeedie Waste
CEO Of The CorporationFamily name: Barilla
Employee IDN/A
Employee NameTruck Drivers: Danny Moussa, Jamie Lazzaro, Michael Gravina, Albert Sulejman, Warren Laws
Further details of offence

- Abuse: interrupting/disrupting, limiting and restricting our sleep in residential roads using loud heavy trucks to cut through/short-cut from Union Road or Epsom Road to Mount Alexander Road, or operating (screech sound reversing, sound echoing between in front of around side and corner of apartment buildings, and blocks, homes (ground) single and low rise no escaping loud disturbing noise/s - surrounded, whilst idling right out front window or sides or back, or loading chains/steel or driving around or reversing and/ back through again at 4am-5am, then again maybe later, but before 9am or 7am. Two new truck driver employee/s can't read legend of melways, and Operations/Accounts etc not understand cease and desist for this unlawful abuse for six consecutive nights-early morning last few weeks whilst still dark (night).
- Causing Losses of at minimum [$120AuD] a week until sixty five years of age, couldn't even do one task from prior to 3 August 2023 (03/08/2023) to present (28/08/2023), and ruining my reliable reputation in the community, or for anymore for awhile - unlimited value.

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 10,000.00
What can this enterprise do to improve it's service to community?

1. Only service/operate during 'retail' hours after 9/10am - Monday to Saturday, Sunday after 10am/none on Sunday better - no cutting through on any residential (Called: streets/avenues... either) to or from businesses go around drive on "road"s eg. Union 'Road', Mount Alexander 'Road' or Flemington 'Road' -if earlier than 8am Monday to Friday, 9am on Saturday, 10am on Sundays (best none on Sundays)
2. Do not ignore Cease and Desist Notice for unlawful abuse again

  • 3) Having no comprehension of Law and falling victim to a private legal system, thus causing HARM and INJURY in community whilst supporting private profiteering.
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