Public Record Form A

Reference NumberEER10102022-T&F-4
Time09:30 PM
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Choose Corporate StructurePublic Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Essential services Electrical supply rural
CEO Of The CorporationMatt Van Der Werff, Manager Service Quality
Employee IDManager Service Quality
Employee NameMatt Van Der Werff,
Further details of offence

Threat made without a name or autograph to prove the authority of the author, claiming to be We to someone without a name, directed against the living man; though not named,
For this attack, I the man, Claim Remedy

Upload Document (If any)Email-EER-Fraud-and-threats-10102022-13.pdf
Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 1,000.00
What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

To either use the living man’s name, as has been requested, or accept credit offset for fiction name, (no negotiation), one or the other as denial of an essential service is a crime against man-kind, and I-Am Man.
Not property or a slave, but the secure creditor, and beneficiary.

  • 2) Participating in creating a 2 tiered society, also known as Slavery , and is a gross failure in Rule of Law: All Are Equal Before the Law. And thus facilitating a privately owned, foreign corporation to generate profits by forcing it’s products into the bodies of the Australian people, whilst denying access to inherent resources such as the right to trade and freedom to travel.