Public Record Form A

Reference Number2007 TAKARA
Time07:45 AM
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Public Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?Department of Education
Corporation NameOpen Access College OAC
CEO Of The CorporationPrincipal
Employee IDnot known
Employee NameJulie Taylor
Further details of offence

Not allowing Takara to return to OAC when she attempted to log back into class in early December 2021, unable to complete the year and say goodbye to the friends she made online in the class
Withholding end of year report card for Takara Markwell
Not replying to emails

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 10,000.00
Corporation EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

reply to emails as you have done previously
follow RULE OF LAW
refunds the money already paid for these failed services
around $450.00