Public Record Form A

Reference Number0001
Time04:46 PM
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Public Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?SAPOL, SERCO, Department for corrections, CALHN, APRAH
Corporation NameDepartment for corrections, Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services SA, SERCO, SAPOL Brevet Sergeant of Police 37534, Police Commissioner of South Australia
CEO Of The CorporationDOC David Brown, MOP Vincent Tarzia, SERCO Peter Welling, BS Brett John CARPENTER, PC Grant Stevens
Employee NamePeter Haughton
Further details of offence

Detective Sargent SMITHIES has not rebutted a previously served Affidavit Reference Number 321GONE, that was served on him 3rd February 2021, he was accused of trespassing and the attempted kidnapping of Takara Markwell on 28th January 2021 initially he and his colleagues Trespassed on the incorrect address of 86 Liston Rd Lonsdale attempting to locate and abduct Takara Markwell and then the attempted abduction continued at my premises of 108 O’ Sullivan Beach Road Lonsdale where Detective Sargent SMITHIES continued to strongly intimidate with his colleagues in a tag team pattern of intimidation while laughing and walking around posturing proudly with his gun on display acting in a predatory fashion all without presenting any verifiable or certified court orders and cause of action, these unlawful actions have deeply damaged both Takara and her mother Donna Markwell to the point that we both can no longer trust police, for video footage see the documentary on You Tube named, Before We Proceed-Part 1, this begins to outline lawful reasons why I had been attempting to explain The Law of Due Process to Detective Sargent SMITHIES and report these crimes to SAPOL by phone, I attempted to explaining to other police that Detective Sargent SMITHIES at the Christie Downs Police Station was not using proper Law, Section 3W and 3Z of the Crimes Act 1914, was not adhered to in relation to them trespassing and attempting to kidnap Takara Markwell due to the fact that they had no certified or verifiable reason to be there and this can be demonstrated by the discharge letter dated 01/03/2021 from the Department for Child Protection [DCP] outlining that their notification was unsubstantiated

I have owned and managed landfill operations for many years, I am an upstanding, stable and kind-hearted man, consistently assisting many people from the local community in numerous ways to improve their life See Character References Annexure and welcomed the possibility of donating part of my property to construct a functional Indigenous Cultural Centre, assisting the local tribal elders and archaeologists with the planning of this project on my property all without charge

Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 10,000.00