Public Record Form A

Reference NumberTC2021
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Categories :Government Ministers
Corporation NameDepartment of Child protection
CEO Of The CorporationCathy Taylor CEO
Employee IDNot sure
Employee NameMichelle Johnson + Rachelle Mueller
Further details of offence

our son Jasper Deke Crispin ;is in kinship care in Adelaide with a family member. currently under a 12 month order. dcp Want to go for a long term order. under family. Court is not till 21/1/21
my twins Lakoda and Raphaelle were removed in” 2017, from hospital whom currently are in foster care under an 18 yr care order.
We see lakoda and raphaelle once a month ,one and a half hours. Jasper Crispin once a fortnight for 2 hours. He is 6 months old and 12 days.
my twins, lakoda and raphaelle were also removed from hospital in 2017. dcp diddnt give us the chance . Jasper was removed with a removal notice 12, 1/2 hours after birth from the hospital, without any concerns of my parenting from the hospital. dcp came up from Berri ,riverland. to the Adelaide lyell mcewin hospital the next day, without any warning of them coming up their to remove jasper. again dcp diddnt give us the chance. and again we did nothing wrong, but our disability. All they said when they first attended on 2/6/21 at the hospital was, we hold concerns due to you having a mild intellectual learning disability.
– department for child protection has never given us as parents a chance to parent 24/7 , in the comfort of the home environment. over concerns of our Mild intellectual disability,- impacting on parenting capacity. We-haven’t been given the chance, to show that we could be capable, 24/7. in society we function quite well, live independently can do stuff independently that most people can do. as a parent/ person we are more than a disability. dcp need to take the time to get to know us as a person. And not define us by a minor disability. are not classified as disabled. also very aware of challenges that may Arise, therefore we are soo determined to have support around those areas of challenges to help support parenting. have got in place. councillor, once a fortnight, occupational therapist, via zoom chat weekly. developmental educator, via person fortnight. i know how to grab a phone and call a friend, family, developmental educator to talk through stuff with me if i do get stuck with things at home with my kid or do zoom chat, so they can see what’s happening at the time. are not afraid to reach out for it. all we need is support to have the kids..are very determined to be the best mother i can be to my kids, that sadly has never been provided the chance to fully parent in the comfort of my home environment. Always been under The gaze of dcp worker, taking notes down. in an office,/ park each time were trying to effectively bond with our kids. Which can be a cause of situational anxiety” in myself and trying Soo hard with my children can make me nervous in front of worker taking notes. in which they are using my heightened anxiety against me from parenting my baby son. My heightened anxiety is only behind their walls .which is not how we deserve to parent.. we deserve to parent in comfort. i have done everything asked of me by the department of child protection, still they are wanting to apply for a long term order over my baby Son- Jasper crispin. when there is support, there is a reunification service, Ac care onboard dcp referred me to her in late september. i keep a great clean, safe home environment, have my babys room all set up, since before his birth on 1/6/2021. im not reluctant to support at all. we as parents take care of all our daily personal care tasks, /domestic tasks. ourselves.

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What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

Importantly Need to Start respecting the parents whom have a disability. provide more efforts to support the family unit. All parents with disability need is support ,Not long term removal of their child. We need a chance to parent and not have the rights violated as a parent who is willing to learn and grow with their children. And wants to have support available. People with disability who are willing to be the best parent they can be, should at least be entitled to a chance to be a full time parent. The rights of a parent with disability need to stop being terminated. Expeshally if they function well and want to have a go at being a parent with support services