Public Record Form A

Reference NumberShani TG 2021
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Corporation:
Categories :Other
What the other is?3rd Party Interloper lawyer debt collecting agency
Corporation NameThompson Geer
CEO Of The CorporationHendrik Van Aswegen
Employee NameAssociate Shani Claassen
Further details of offence

The Evidence From Shanis own hand of summonsing the dead and

Dear Mr Jinks

Please see attached by way of service the letter enclosing the Order 4A Case Management Directions granted by Registrar Beggs, the Form 4, and the Writ of Summons – Statement of Claim.

Due to security and privacy obligations of our client the document(s) have been password protected. Please call me for the password.

Kind regards

Shani Claassen | Associate
T +61 8 9404 9114
Level 27, Exchange Tower, 2 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 Australia |

Advice | Transactions | Disputes


Daily damages assigned until matter is resolved.$ 10,000.00
Corporation EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

Gods Law of living men and woman with unalienable divine bestowed rights and entitlements and not fiction dead speak Corporations which is Not Reality Maxim Of Law and requires consent to joinder and

The True Rule Of law is very clear and
If you cause any man or woman injury harm or loss that is a Criminal indictable Offence to be tried as a Trial By Jury by 12 of your peers not for profit or unjust gain