Public Record Form A

Reference NumberMarianaangela bank Fraud three properties
Time09:17 AM
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Choose Corporate StructurePrivate Corporation:
Categories :Banking
Corporation NameAdelaide Bank, Bendigo and Adelaide bank, Citibank
CEO Of The CorporationAdelaide Bank, Bendigo and Adelaide bank, Citibank
Further details of offence

Adelaide Bank and Bendigo at a bank Stolen My home properties all lies will put before the court challenges as I’m just preparing documents to be challenging
Citibank has stolen two properties without a court order without a warrant there in cahoots with the Real Estate agent and I’m also preparing documents to take him to task but I believe it’s actually the lawfirms that are doing the fraud and accusation the other ones that have bought the securities in court you have to argue the security issues which the bank has got a claim

What can this enterprise do to improve it’s service to community?

I’ll send you the information after I receive some sort of correspondence from you guys in my files very big